Ik ben verslaafd aan boeken. Hieronder kan je mijn volledige lijst vinden van gelezen fictie- en non-fictie-boeken die in mijn boekenkast staan. Van sommige boeken kan je zelfs een korte bespreking vinden.
Somewhere in the most desolate part of the southwestern desert lies the legendary S/M Ranch called <quote>The Spread.<quote> In this mysterious place, which is both a working ranch and a kind of theme park for pleasure and pain, the arts and skills of sadomachism are honed to perfection and enjoyed by... [meer]
Will Swift heeft alles. Schoonheid, vrienden en roem. Men beschouwt hem als de beste natuurfotograaf ter wereld. Niemand kan de wreedheid en vergankelijkheid van de natuur zo goed in beelden vangen als hij. En toch is hij wanhopig, want zijn foto's zijn zinloos, ze veranderen niets aan het grote uitsterven... [meer]
In Safe Words, which picks up where the Deviations series left off, Tobias, Noah and Phan are all working on finding their place, both at Bradford's club and in their personal lives. They're all living together, and Tobias has taken on the roll of full-time Dom, which he loves, but finds incredibly challenging.While... [meer]
Thousands of miles away from the small township of 'Salem's Lot, two terrified people still share the secrets of those clapboard houses and tree-lined streets. One is an eleven-year-old boy. He never speaks but his eyes betray the indescribable horror he has witnessed. The other is a man plagued by nightmares,... [meer]
Ben Mears, a successful writer who grew up in the (fictional) town of Jerusalem's Lot, Maine (known to locals as <quote>Salem's Lot<quote> or <quote>The Lot<quote>), has returned home following the death of his wife. Ben plans to write a book about the <quote>Marsten House<quote>, an abandoned mansion... [meer]
radioplay -
At last Stephen King's classic bestseller is available as the author originally envisaged it, complete with fifty pages of alternate and deleted scenes. With a new introduction by the author, two short stories related to the events and residents of Jerusalem's Lot, the lavishly creepy photographs of... [meer]
100,000 years ago, at least six human species inhabited the earth. Today there is just one. Us. Homo sapiens. How did our species succeed in the battle for dominance? Why did our foraging ancestors come together to create cities and kingdoms? How did we come to believe in gods, nations and human... [meer]
audiobook -
De Satanskinderen en andere verhalen. In de Satanskinderen zijn de meest angstaanjagende verhalen van Stephen King verzameld. Alle dragen ze het onmiskenbare stempel van 'de master of horror': alledaagse situaties veranderen plotseling in onheilspellende nachtmerries. De decors zijn vertrouwd: een school,... [meer]
kortverhalen -
This free NASA e-Book celebrates Saturn as seen through the eyes of the Cassini spacecraft. The Cassini-Huygens mission has revolutionized our knowledge of the Saturn system and revealed surprising places in the solar system where life could potentially gain a footholdâbodies we call ocean worlds. Since... [meer]
non-fictie -
In Washington, word is received that an elite member of the Nazi High Command is willing to defect and divulge information that will shorten the war. But his defection entails the release of the ultra-top-secret file on the Scarlatti Inheritance - a file whose contents will destroy many of the Western... [meer]
Een meisje van drie, dochtertje van een Engelse kapper, wordt gekidnapt. Haar vader wordt door de daders zo onder druk gezet, dat hij de politie niets durft te vertellen. Wel vraagt hij de hulp van een particuliere detective. Die weet een spoor te vinden dat naar Frankrijk leidt. Maar inmiddels hebben... [meer]
* De man met het litteken (The Library Police Man) - De man met het litteken speelt zich af tegen het decor van het plaatsje Junction City, Iowa, een onwaarschijnlijke schuilplaats voor het kwaad. Maar voor de kleine zakenman Sam Peebles, die bang is om zijn verstand te verliezen, houdt er zich nog een... [meer]
De Donkere Toren 1 / The Dark Tower 1. De Scherpschutter, de laatste vertegenwoordiger van wat eens een bloeiend rijk was, ploetert voort door een geheimzinnige wereld. Hij wil maar een ding: wraak. Zijn doelwit, de man in het zwart, vlucht voor hem uit door een helse woestijn van zout en dodelijk... [meer]
Alles wat ik wilde, was een geweldig leven. Een fantastisch leven. Een sprookjesleven. Een volledig gezeur-, gezanik- en gedoe-loos leven zonder 'o...hell'gevoel. Was dat nu teveel gevraagd? 1984. Adrian Mayfield is zestien jaar en ontevreden met zijn leven en zijn suffe baantje bij Victor Procopius'Herenmodepaleis.... [meer]
De 15-jarige Yrsa Bellami wordt dood gevonden op het schoolplein. Alles wijst op zelfmoord. Haar beste vriendin Chelsea is lamgeslagen: waarom koos Yrsa voor de dood? Om haar te herdenken, nodigt Chelsea hun vriendengroep uit voor een weekend aan de kust. Maar het mooie weer slaat om. En er is geen elektriciteit,... [meer]
jeugd -
Drie toneelstukken, drie projecten: Blankenberge is een oorspronkelijk stuk, Bij Jules en Alice is een bewerking van een eigen verhaal, Celibaat is een adaptatie van Gerard Walschaps gelijknamige roman. Blankenberge. Geschreven in opdracht van het Nederlands Toneel Gent. Premiere te Gent op 12 januari... [meer]
kortverhalen -
De mooie, elegante Elinor Carlisle staat terecht wegens moord. Moord op een ander meisje: Mary Gerrard. Ze voelt zich schuldig, want ze haatte Mary zoals ze nog nooit iemand gehaat heeft. Ze is ook wanhopig. Er zijn zo veel bewijzen tegen haar dat het onmogelijk lijkt dat ze wordt vrijgesproken. Maar... [meer]
A brief history of how wrong scientists can sometimes be. Embarrasments come in various sizes, but few can rival in sheer, mind-blowing magnitude, some of the mistakes that have been perpetrated in the name of scientific advance. In the past scientific blunders were made largely through ignorance and... [meer]
non-fictie -
Here are easily understood guidelines to make film writing accessible to novices and to help practiced writers improve their scripts. This step-by-step guide has helped hundreds of screenwriters get their scripts sold. Follow Field's advice on structure, style, and technique and you'll be able to move... [meer]
non-fictie -
Isaac Asimov's Foundation novels are one of the great masterworks of science fiction. As unsurpassed blend of nonstop action, daring ideas, and extensive world-building, they chronicle the struggle of a courageous group of men and women dedicated to preserving humanity's light in a galaxy plunged into... [meer]
This is an unabridged recording of The Second Foundation, written by Isaac Asimov and read by Dan Lazar. It is contained on 8 1-hour cassette tapes.... [meer]
audiobook -
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4. Adrian Mole is a worrier. The problems of existence hit him hard. Spots, bits of him that won't seem to keep still, the cracks in his parents' marriage, all prey heavily on his mind. There are some consolidations. a fourteen-year-old feminist, an eighty-nine-year-old... [meer]
With a weakness for bossy men and facial hair, Jay is willing to serve up more than just drinks when a handsome stranger with long sideburns walks into his bar. But the object of his desire may be more than Jay gambled on. Warning: light bondage and the blatant misuse of items of clothing.... [meer]
novelle -
'De jongen zou het overleven, dat was duidelijk. Het bloed droogde al op, en de talloze wonden begonnen te helen. En na enige tijd, als de woorden op zijn lichaam in korstjes en littekens waren overgegaan, zou ze hem lezen. Ze zou het allemaal lezen en publiceren. De wereld zou weten welke verhalen de... [meer]
kortverhalen -
Richard Dawkins' brilliant reformulation of the theory of natural selection has the rare distinction of having provoked as much excitement and interest outside the scientific community as within it. His theories have helped change the whole nature of the study of social biology, and have forced thousands... [meer]
audiobook -
Georges Simenon: Né en 1903, àLiÚge. Il est d'abord journaliste. A partir de 1932 il commence àpublier des romans policiers et crée son fameux personnage, le commissaire Maigret. Ses romans policiers surpassent de loin beaucoup d'autres publications dans ce genre: la description magistrale... [meer]
Considered to the be one of most influential American authors, Howard Philip Lovecraft is synonymous with some of the best fantasy and horror fiction of the 20th century, second only to Edgar Allan Poe. Innsmouth is a dilapidated seaside town with secrets as a hybrid race of half-human and half-amphibian... [meer]
audiobook -
The story describes of a strange hybrid race, half-human and half an unknown creature that resembles a cross between a fish and frog, that dwells in the seaside village of Innsmouth (formerly a large town, but lately fallen into disrepair). The townspeople worship Cthulhu and Dagon, a Philistine deity... [meer]
The fog-shrouded streets and gas-lit ambience of Victorian London come to life in this exciting book-and-cassette package as Sherlock Holmes and his loyal chronicler Doctor Watson solve some of their most celebrated cases. This inexpensive set offers a wonderful listening and reading experience for Sherlock... [meer]
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Jack Torrance, een leraar die door zijn driftaanvallen op school in moeilijkheden is geraakt, wordt klusjesman in een groot luxueus hotel dat gedurende de winter gesloten is. Hij hoopt hier tot zichzelf te komen en de roman te schrijven waarvan hij al jaren droomt. Zijn vrouw vergezelt hem, evenals hun... [meer]
'U heeft van Hitler willen winnen, door hem te begrijpen, conceptueel in de tang te nemen, zijn 'wezen' te benoemen en daarmee vast te spijkeren tegen de deuren van de hel. Dat is spelen met vuur, er hangt iets van een schroeilucht in uw boek, maar soms ook wordt het er plotseling ijskou, zoals in Germaanse... [meer]
American investment banker Ben Hartman - son of legendary Max Hartman, who built a financial empire up from next to nothing - is on holiday in Switzerland when he meets one of his oldest childhood friends - who promptly tries to murder him. From the other side of the world, Anna Navarro, a US government... [meer]
A serial murderer known only by a grotesquely apt nickname-Buffalo Bill-is stalking women. He has a purpose, but no one can fathom it, for the bodies are discovered in different states. Clarice Starling, a young trainee at the FBI Academy, is surprised to be summoned by Jack Crawford, chief of the Bureau's... [meer]
Vous avez peut-ĂÂȘtre lu Un sac de billes. Joseph Joffo y raconte sa propre enfance: comment il a vĂ©cu la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lui, petit garçon juif de 11 ans. Dans Simon et l'enfant, le personnage est un garçon du mĂÂȘme ĂÂąge Ă peu prĂšs: Franck Germain. Il vit Ă Paris en 1942.... [meer]
Undoubtedly the best-known detective in literature, Sherlock Holmes was the creation of British author Sir Author Conan Doyle (1859-1930), who endowed his super sleuth with an extraordinary facility for solving crimes. Drawing on his remarkable powers of observation and deduction, coupled with an encyclopedic... [meer]
kortverhalen -
Sjakie en de chocoladefabriek is misschien wel Roald Dahl's bekendste kinderboek. Dit luisterboek biedt een speciale hoorspelbewerking van dit onovertroffen verhaal over de kleine Sjakie. Chocoladefabrikant Willy Wonka schrijft een prijsvraag uit waarmee vijf gelukkigen een rondleiding in zijn chocoladefabriek... [meer]
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In this brilliant collection of stories, Stephen King takes readers down paths that only he could imagine. A supermarket becomes the place where humanity makes its last stand against destruction. A trip to the attic becomes a journey to hell. A woman driver finds a scary shortcut to paradise. An idyllic... [meer]
kortverhalen -
Luther unfolded a spreadsheet and began pointing. "Here, my dear, is what we spent last Christmas. Six thousand, one hundred dollars. And precious little to show for it. The vast majority of it down the drain. Wasted. An that, of course, does not include my time, your time, the traffic, stress, worry,... [meer]
Deze bundel bevat volgende verhalen: Een slagerszoon met een brilletje, Bij Jules en Alice, Het Boek, Oh land der blinden. 'Een meesterlijk proza-debuut. Het verrukkelijkste bundeltje verhalen uit la Flandre profonde sinds Louis Paul Boon.' Knack. 'Absurditeiten en emoties die beurtelings aan Biesheuvel... [meer]
kortverhalen -
An uptown high-rise. Aglittering Manhattan <quote>sliver<quote> building. A successful single career woman. A shocking secret hidden in brick and concrete. A high-tech nightmare. Someone is watching her. He watches her unpack, watches her make the bed<colon> his eyes are everywhere. He owns the building:... [meer]
The Thirdteenth Discworld Novel. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was <quote>Hey, you!<quote>. For Brutha the novice is the Chosen One, and all he wants is peace, justice and brotherly love. He also wants the Inquisition to stop torturing him now, please.... [meer]
Brutha is the Chosen One. His god has spoken to him, admittedly while currently in the shape of a tortoise. Brutha is a simple lad. He can't read. He can't write. He's pretty good at growing melons. And his wants are few. He wants to overthrow a huge and corrupt church. He wants to prevent a horribly... [meer]
audiobook -
Soap is het tweede boek van Paul Mennes. Het is harder dan zijn debuut Tox, cynischer, grappiger, sneller. David Tinea gaat biologie studeren; hij had opgevangen dat de mooiste jongen van de school dat ook van plan was. Maar de mooie jongen krijgt hij niet meer te zien. Wel maakt hij kennis met de scene... [meer]
Bingo Grabbins is a soddit who enjoys a comfortable life (apart from his feet, of course). But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard, Gandef, and a company of (bizarrely) Welsh dwarves (or dwarfs -- there is some debate about this) arrive one day to drag him away on an adventure. They have a... [meer]
Leah knew heâd be put to work to pay for his crimes. He just didnât know it would be in the Silk Road brothel, famed for its debauchery. Now he has to learn fast, or else. Fortunately he has a capable teacher: long-legged, gorgeous Gaius, a veteran of the brothel who knows exactly the right way to... [meer]
kortverhalen -
Few American novels written this century have endured in th heart and mind as has this one-Ray Bradbury's incomparable masterwork of the dark fantastic. A carnival rolls in sometime after the midnight hour on a chill Midwestern October eve, ushering in Halloween a week before its time. A calliope's shrill... [meer]
[Library Edition Audio CD in vinyl case] ''By the pricking of my thumbs . . . something wicked this way comes.'' Ray Bradbury has dramatized his literary classic, ''Something Wicked This Way Comes'' , into this first-class audio drama, produced by The Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air, complete... [meer]
radioplay -
Rosemary's Baby chilled us with its startling, darkly brillian story of the birth of the son of Satan in modern-day Manhattan. With a flawless evocation of the telling details of everyday urban existence, Ira Levin wove an irresistibly suspenseful tale of subtly evolving evil that was as terrifying as... [meer]
Born a Parsi in Bombay, sent to university and medical school in Vienna, Dr. Farrokh Daruwalla is a Canadian citizen - a 59-year-old orthopedic surgeon, living in Toronto. Periodically, the doctor returns to India<colon> in Bombay, most of his patients are crippled children. Once, 20 years ago, Dr. Daruwalla... [meer]
In A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin has created a genuine masterpiece, bringing together the best the genre has to offer. Mystery, intrigue, romance, and adventure fill the pages of the first volume in an epic series sure to delight fantansy fans everywhere. In a land where summers can last decades... [meer]
Time is out of joint. The summer of peace and plenty, ten years long, is drawing to a close, and the harsh, chill winter approaches like an angry beast. Two great leadersâLord Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheonâwho held sway over and age of enforced peace are dead...victims of royal treachery. Now,... [meer]
In this sequel to A Game of Thrones, George Martin pursues the embattled Seven Kingdoms through a bitter 10-year winter in which good and evil contend for power. When cruel Queen Cerisi's son takes the Iron Throne following the death of its king, Robert Baratheon, the Queen's sons and Robert's brothers... [meer]
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Here is the third volume in George R.R. Martin's magnificent cycle of novels that includes A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings. Together, this series comprises a genuine masterpiece of modern fantasy, destined to stand as one of the great achievements of imaginative fiction. Of the five contenders... [meer]
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Winter approaches Westeros like an angry beast. The Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud. In the northern wastes, a horde of hungry, savage people steeped in the dark magic of the wilderness is poised to invade the Kingdom of the North where Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown. And... [meer]
The Starks are scattered. Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark... [meer]
HBOâs hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R. R. Martinâs internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A FEAST FOR CROWS is the fourth volume in the series. The Lannisters are in power on the Iron Throne. The war in the Seven... [meer]
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Crows will fight over a dead man's flesh, and kill each other for his eyes. Bloodthirsty, treacherous and cunning, the Lannisters are in power on the Iron Throne in the name of the boy-king Tommen. The war in the Seven Kingdoms has burned itself out, but in its bitter aftermath new conflicts spark... [meer]
In the aftermath of a colossal battle, new threats are emerging from every direction. Tyrion Lannister, having killed his father, and wrongfully accused of killing his nephew, King Joffrey, has escaped from King's Landing with a price on his head. To the north lies the great Wall of ice and stone... [meer]
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER âą THE BOOK BEHIND THE FIFTH SEASON OF THE ACCLAIMED HBO SERIES GAME OF THRONES Dubbed âthe American Tolkienâ by Time magazine, George R. R. Martin has earned international acclaim for his monumental cycle of epic fantasy. Now the #1 New York Times bestselling author... [meer]
audiobook -
Blood will curdle in Calcutta. In the most crime-ridden city, nightmares become real and evil is defined by frightening occurrences. When an American family finds themselves encircled by the terrors of this land, lurid events befall them and life takes on a new meaning - death. Winner of the World Fantasy... [meer]
audiobook -
There is a song you dare not sing... a melody you dare not hear... The Song of Power opens the gateway to the Realm of the Sidhe, a fantastic, beautiful, dangerous world. For almost everyone it closes forever the gate to Earth. For Michael Perrin, it means years of captivity and deathly struggles with... [meer]
bundel -
Looking in her mailbox one day, a fourteen-year-old Norwegian schoolgirl called Sophie Amundsen finds two surprising pieces of paper. On them are written the questions: 'Who are you?' and 'Where does the world come from?' The writer is an enigmatic philosopher called Albert Know, and his two teasing... [meer]
The Sixteenth Discworld Novel. Other children get given xylophones. Susan just had to ask her grandfather to take his vest off. Yes. There's a Death in the family. It's hard to grow up normally when Grandfather rides a white horse and wields a scythe - especially when you have to take over the family... [meer]
In "A Sound of Thunder", Time Safari, Inc. offers the greatest hunting trips ever--any year, any animal. But they don't guarantee you'll come back, or what you'll find if you do. And in "Night Call, Collect", who is harassing Emil Barton, the last man in the universe? After decades of waiting on Mars,... [meer]
kortverhaal -
The Fifth Discworld novel. There was an eight son of an eight son. He was, quite naturally, a wizard. And there it should have ended. However (for reasons we'd better not go into), he had seven sons. And then he had an eight son... a wizard squared... a source of magic... a Sourcerer.... [meer]
A sourcerer is born - a wizard so powerful that by comparison all other magic is just mucking about in pointy hats - and his very existence brings the Discworld to the very verge of all-out thaumaturgical war.* All that stands in the way is Rincewind, the failed magician, who wants to save the world,... [meer]
audiobook -
Tom Lanoye (1958) heeft zich met zijn verhalen en romans, zijn gedichtenbundels, zijn toneelwerk en zijn kritieken ontwikkeld tot een volwassen en veelzijdig auteur. Met zijn performance-achtige optredens verwierf hij grote populariteit bij jongeren. Lanoye is ook een maatschappelijk betrokken auteur,... [meer]
kortverhalen -
Opgravingen in de Oriënt. Met een inleiding van Jacquetta Hawkes. Toen de beroemde detectiveschrijfster Agatha Christie in 1930 een bevriend echtpaar opzocht op een archeologische site in Syrië, ontmoette ze Max Mallowan, de assistant van het echtpaar. In hetzelfde jaar zijn ze getrouwd. In de... [meer]
non-fictie -
Net als al haar dorpsgenoten vindt miss Marple het reuze spannend als er een filmster in het dorp komt wonen. Iedereen verheugt zich erop de beroemde Marina Gregg te ontmoeten. Maar dan wordt een van Marina's vurigste bewonderaarsters vergiftigd. En omdat de politie ervan uitgaat dat het vergif voor... [meer]
Londen, mei 1895. Na een romance die te mooi bleek om waar te zijn, is Adrian terug waar hij ooit begon: in de goot. Hij zwerft over straat, met maar Ă©Ă©n gedachte in zijn hoofd: wraak op de man die ooit van hem hield. Hierbij krijgt hij hulp van de sinistere lady Kinderly en Paul McBride, een Amerikaanse... [meer]
jeugd -
Op het spoor van het monster. Duncan Verwoerd en zijn Schotse neefje Angus Fergusson gaan kamperen in een oude hut bij Loch Ness. Zij willen de raadsels van het spookachtige meer onderzoeken. Duncan gelooft niet in spoken en geesten. Hij beschouwt de verhalen over het Monster van Loch Ness als een toeristische... [meer]
jeugd -
Na een beroerte raakt een amateuractrice en de moeder van de schrijver haar spraakvermogen kwijt. Langzaam en onherroepelijk takelt ze af, steeds minder in staat te communiceren met wie haar lief is. Al in zijn recent verschenen essaybundel Schermutseling (3de druk) schreef Tom Lanoye over haar. Maar... [meer]
Er was eens... het allermooiste sprookjesboek. Alle sprookjes uit de Efteling stonden erin: Assepoester, Vrouw Holle, de Indische waterlelies, de Trollenkoning en nog veel meer. In het boek stonden prachtige tekeningen, gemaakt door Anton Pieck, waar je elke keer opnieuw naar wilde kijken. En dat is... [meer]
jeugd -
Set apart from the other books in Ian Flemingâs James Bond series, The Spy Who Loved Me is told from the perspective of a femme fatale in the makingââa victim of circumstance with a wounded heart. Vivienne Michel, a precocious French Canadian raised in the United Kingdom, seems a foreigner in... [meer]
When 007 turns up at a sleepy American backwoods motel, it doesn't take him long to realise that Vivienne Michel is in a tight spot, and that Sol Horror and Sluggsy Morant are hardened killers bent on destruction. Escaping from a past she doesn't want to relive, Viv turns to James Bond to save her.... [meer]
audiobook -
When a man crashes his car into a petrol station just north of Arnette, he brings with him the foul corpses of his wife and daughter. He dies before he reaches the hospital, but it doesn't take long for the appalling plague which killed them to spread across America and the world. It is a long time before... [meer]
Dit boek is een eerbetoon aan monumentale gebouwen over de hele wereld. Meer dan 100 wereldberoemde bouwwerken passeren in de vorm van LEGO de revue: van de Transamerica Pyriamid in San Francisco en het Londense St Pancras Station tot de Sagrade Familia in Barcelona, de Eiffeltoren in Parijs ende Gurj... [meer]
non-fictie -
Irrational changes of personality occur almost overnight among wives soon after they move to the suburbs of Stepford. What is the unspeakable menace that overshadows this strange community? Why do the secretive Men's Association meet every night in the old house with its shuttered windows? Was Joanna... [meer]
Tales from Gray Matter include: The Boogeyman I Know What You Need Strawberry Spring Gray Matter The Woman in the Room Battleground Tales from Graveyard Shift include: Graveyard Shift The Man Who Loved Flowers The Last Rung on The Ladder Night Surf Jerusalem's Lot Tales from Lawnmower... [meer]
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The Stephen King Story, originally published in 1991. Revised and expanded especially for this edition, The Stephen King Story is a <quote>compelling and entertaining chronological narrative ... Beahm does a fine job of presenting King as a man with an interesting background history and passionately... [meer]
biografie -
One of the best-selling authors of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Stephen King has made a career out of thrilling readers with his dark and disturbing masterpieces of the macabre. Stephen King: Three Novels brings together King's first three published novels for a trilogy of terror unparalleled... [meer]
Attel Malagate is een van de vijf Duivelsprinsen die in het jaar 1499 (nieuwe rekening) vrijwel de hele bevolking van Fraaibergen uitmoordden of als slaven wegvoerden. Op twee na: de jonge Kirth Gersen en zijn grootvader. Kirth heeft een dure eed gezworen het gruwelijk vijftal een voor een te vernietigen.... [meer]
De vorderingen van de traditionele astronomie en de waarneemtechnieken die de laatste eeuwen hoe langer hoe meer vervolmaakt zijn, hebben ons in staat gesteld om kennis te nemen van de afstanden, massa's en afmetingen van de sterren en om de opbouw van het melkwegstelsel vast te stellen. Door de bestudering... [meer]
non-fictie -
Toen tante Queenie haar ijskoude ogen voorgoed sloot, was Alison opgelucht. Maar hoe kon zij vermoeden dat de monsterlijke boze krachten van de oude vrouw verder reikten dan het graf? Derek en Alison Faraday wonen met hun dochtertje Rowan in het sombere, grote huis van tante Queenie. Als de tirannieke... [meer]
Tom Wallace lived an ordinary life, until a chance event awakened psychic abilities he never knew he possessed. Now he's hearing the private thoughts of the people around him - and learning shocking secrets he never wanted to know. But as Tom's existence becomes a waking nightmare, greater jolts are... [meer]
Richard Mathesonâs thriller about a man a man who suffers traumatic visions after being hypnotised becomes embroiled in a harrowing investigation into the mysterious disappearance of a local girl. As his daily life is increasingly overwhelmed by the psychic experiences, his young son is the only... [meer]
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For the first time in Stephen King's remarkable publishing history, the master storyteller presents an all-new, original tale written expressly for the television screen. They're calling it the Storm of the Century, and it's coming hard. The residents of Little Tall Island have seen their share of nasty... [meer]
screenplay -
Voor de eerste keer in Stephen Kings bijzondere loopbaan komt de meesterverteller met een gloednieuw, geheel oorspronkelijk verhaal dat speciaal voor televisie is geschreven. Het verhaal is dan ook opgeschreven in scriptvorm en niet in romanvorm, zoals we van King gewend zijn. Ze noemen het de Storm... [meer]
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Story of O - notorious as an underground novel, remarkable as a rare instance of pornography sublimed to purest art - appeared first under mysterious circumstances at Paris in 1954... Story of O is neither a fantasy nor a case history. With its alternate beginnings and endings, its simple direct style... [meer]
Revised, expanded, and updated from the original text by Henry Steele Commager. The Story of World War II is a completely rewritten, expanded, and updated version - more than 75 percent new - of the classic narrative of the war that captures all the immediacy of the original work and contains hundreds... [meer]
non-fictie -
The original text for James Cameron's Strange Days, a major motion picture from 20th Century Fox, starring Ralph Finnes, Angela Bassett, and Juliette Lewis. 1999: the recently perfected technology of virtual reality has spawned a large black market specializing in the buying and selling of other people's... [meer]
screenplay -
Michael was in a hurry. He was scrambling up the ladder at Drake & Sweeney, a gianr D. C. firm with eight hundred lawyers. The money was good and getting better<colon> a partnership was three years away. He wasd a rising star with no time to waste, no time to waste, no time to stop, no time to toss a... [meer]
Tobias is a skilled Dom, able to bring even the most hesitant submissive around. Noah is a man in need of just that. He wants to sub badly, but has yet to find someone he believes can take him where he needs to go. Through a series of encounters in the world of bondage and discipline, Noah reveals why... [meer]
audiobook -
His Dark Materials - Book 2 Having slipped through a newly formed astral portal, the intrepid Lyra finds herself in the beautiful, haunted world of CittĂÂ gazze -a city where soul-eating Specters stalk the streets and the wingbeats of distant angels sound against the sky. But she is not without allies.... [meer]
jeugd -
Ray Atlee is a professor of law at the University of Virginia. He's forty-three, newly single, an still enduring the aftershocks of a surprise dicorce. He has a younger brother, Forrest, who redefines the notion of a family's black sheep. And he has a father, a very sick old man who lives alone in the... [meer]
On August 21, 2017, more than 10 million Americans will experience an awe-inspiring phenomenon: the first total eclipse of the sun in America in almost 40 years. In Sun Moon Earth, astronomer Tyler Nordgren illustrates how this most seemingly unnatural of natural phenomena was transformed from a fearsome... [meer]
audiobook -
The Devil is known by many names: Serpent, Tempter, Beast, Adversary, Wanderer, Dragon, Rebel. His traps and machinations are the stuff of legends. His faces are legion. No matter what face the devil wears, Sympathy for the Devil has them all. Edited by Tim Pratt, Sympathy for the Devil collects the... [meer]