Ik ben verslaafd aan boeken. Hieronder kan je mijn volledige lijst vinden van gelezen fictie- en non-fictie-boeken die in mijn boekenkast staan. Van sommige boeken kan je zelfs een korte bespreking vinden.
L'enfance d'AmĂ©lie Poulain n'est pas de tout repos. La mort accidentelle de sa mĂšre sur le parvis de Notre-Dame, la dĂ©prime de son pĂšre, qui reporte son affection sur un nain de jardin plongent la fillette dans des rĂÂȘves sans fin. Devenue adulte, elle quitte la banlieue pour Paris, oĂÂč... [meer]
screenplay -
Henry Chinaski probeert op allerlei manieren geld te verdienen om te kunnen doen waar hij het meest van houdt: veel drinken, op paarden wedden, vrouwen versieren Ă©n verhalen schrijven die niemand wil uitgeven. Factotum is het verhaal van een man die op de rand van de afgrond leeft en bereid is om... [meer]
Guy Montag is a fireman. In his world, where television rules and literature is on the brink of extinction, firemen start fires rather than put them out. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. Montag never questions... [meer]
Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes deep into the well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higherâfor their world or ours. Charlie Reade looks like a... [meer]
Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes deep into the well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higherâfor their world or ours. Charlie Reade looks like a... [meer]
audiobook -
Isadora Wing was afraid of flying. She was also afraid of her own beauty, brains, physical appetites, intellectual and sexual curiosity. Then, while on a trip to Vienna with her brilliant, handsome psychiatrist husband, Isadora met the men who embodied her most erotic fantasies - and who offered her... [meer]
Bij Uitgeverij Lannoo verscheen onlangs het boekje + audio-cd met liefdespoëzie & -proza uit 'Behouden Begeerte': Vijftien Vlaamse en Nederlandse auteurs bezingen de liefde met woorden. Alle gedichten of teksten zijn een feestelijke lofzang op de liefde: geheimzinnig, spannend, af en toe onschuldig,... [meer]
bundel -
The Nineteenth Discworld Novel. There's a werewolf with pre-lunar tension in Ankh-Morpork. And a dwarf with attitude and a golem who's begun to think for itself. But for Commander Vimes, Head of Ankh-Morpork City Watch, that's only the start... There's treason in the air. A crime has happened. He's... [meer]
Wat is nu de gemiddelde levensverwachting in de wereld? Hoeveel meisjes maken de basisschool af? Welk percentage van de wereldbevolking leeft in armoede? Hoeveel kinderen in de wereld zijn nu ingeënt tegen een ziekte? Op eenvoudige vragen over wereldwijde trends geven we systematisch de verkeerde... [meer]
non-fictie -
Enfin! Je retrouve mon magnétophone àsa place, devant moi, et Teresa dans son fauteuil en face de moi/ Je commençais preque àcroire qu'on m'avait jeté un sort. Depuis environ deux mois, en effet, je n'ai pas trouvé le temps de dicter. Chaque fois que je me promettais de le faire,... [meer]
Sam Vimes is a man on the run. Yesterday he was a duke, a chief of police and the ambassador to the mysterious fat-rich country of Uberwald. Now he has nothing but his gloomy trousers of Uncle Vanya. If he doesn't make it through the forest to civilization, there's going to be a terrible war. But... [meer]
Running time: 11 hours 55 minutes. Sam Vimes is a man on the run. Yesterday he was a duke, a chief of police and the ambassador to the mysterious fat-rich country of Uberwald. Now he has nothing but his native wit and the gloomy trousers of Uncle Vanya (don't ask). It's snowing. It's freezing. And if... [meer]
audiobook -
In Bombay wordt de populaire filantroop Frank Masters vermoord. Zijn vele vrienden zijn diep geschokt. Voor de grote Indiase speurder inspecteur Ghote betekent de moord moeizaam ploegen door een wereld van misdaad in een broeierige stad. En een strijd, niet alleen tegen de gangsters waartoe de vermoedelijke... [meer]
Utilizing original drawings and examples, this book refines technical jargon to help scientists understand and create the apparatus and mechanisms fundamental to their studies. This best-selling book removes the mystery in building scientific apparatus. Every scientific apparatus requires a mechanical... [meer]
non-fictie -
A masterful, intensely suspenseful novel about a reader whose obsession with a reclusive writer goes far too farâa book about the power of storytelling, starring the same trio of unlikely and winning heroes King introduced in Mr. Mercedes âWake up, genius.â So begins Kingâs instantly riveting... [meer]
This masterpiece of science (and mathematical) fiction is a delightfully unique and highly entertaining satire that has charmed readers for more than 100 years. The work of English clergyman, educator and Shakespearean scholar Edwin A. Abbott (1838-1926), it describes the journeys of A. Square, a mathematician... [meer]
A gripping novel of a man trapped in a dog's body. He was a mongrel cur, wandering the streets of a great city, driven by ravenous hunger, and hunting a quarry he could not define. But he was something more. Somewhere in the depths of his consciousness was a memory clawing its way to the surface, tormenting... [meer]
A departure from the full-length James Bond novels, For Your Eyes Only is a stunning collection of five stories that sends 007 to Bermuda, Berlin, and beyond, and places him in the dangerous company of adversaries of all varieties. Titular âFrom a View to a Killâ whisks Bond to the French countryside... [meer]
When sudden emergencies arise, James Bond is there to meet them. Whether dealing with the assassination of a Cuban thug in America, the destruction of an international heroin ring, or a mysterious death in the Seychelles, 007 gets the job done in his own unmistakable style. Contains the short stories... [meer]
audiobook -
A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the new BBC One TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions. âWhat is motion?â âWhy is every snowflake different?â âWhy is life symmetrical?â To answer these and many... [meer]
audiobook -
Three Plays by Clive Barker Before he wrote the novels that made his name touchstone of imaginative fiction worldwide, before he made the films that set new standards in cinematic terror, Clive Barker wrote for theatre: plays which are,like his books and his films, rich and multi-layered journeys into... [meer]
toneel -
Hooglied van versplintering Steeds meer Europeanen wantrouwen 'Brussel' en zijn bureaucratie. Ze verlangen terug naar hun land van weleer, met overzichtelijke grenzen en vertrouwde structuren. Zo valt Europa kibbelend uiteen. Tegelijk bouwt het eensgezind een muur om zich heen, die gelukzoekers en vluchtelingen... [meer]
toneel -
For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme. Now it is dying. But only Hari Seldon, creator of the revolutionary science of psychohistory, can see into the future -- to a dark age of ignorance, barbarism, and warfare that will last thirty thousand years. To preserve knowledge and... [meer]
Considered one of the great classics in the genre, Isaac Asimov's FOUNDATON trilogy describes the events spanning more than a thousand years and resulting in the creation of an ideal universal ruling corporation. In this initial volume, the Galactic Empire is beginning to die and the ends of the Galaxy... [meer]
audiobook -
The fifth novel in Asimov's popular Foundation series opens with second thoughts. Councilman Golan Trevize is wondering if he was right to choose a collective mind as the best possible future for humanity over the anarchy of contentious individuals, nations and planets. To test his conclusion, he decides... [meer]
FOUNDATION AND EMPIRE is the second book in Asimov's award-winning FOUNDATION series. In this narrative, the Galactic Empire established in the previous episode is decaying, consumed by its own immorality and scientific mismanagement. The Foundation is formed to fill the void but soon gains equal, if... [meer]
audiobook -
Foundation and Empire tells the incredible story of a new breed of man who create a new force for galactic government. Thus, the Foundation hurtles into conflict with the decadent, decrepit First Empire. In this struggle for power amid the chaos of the stars, man stands at the threshold of a new, enlightened... [meer]
The fourth novel in Isaac Asimovâs classic science-fiction masterpiece, the Foundation series. At last, the costly and bitter war between the two Foundations has come to an end. The scientists of the First Foundation have proved victorious, and now they return to Hari Seldonâs long established... [meer]
As a film director, Wes Craven gave you nightmares and made you scream. As a novelist, he'll thrill you with a shocking tale born in cutting-edge science and bred in eternal fear. Hope for an ingenious superweapon is dying as physicist Peter Jance's health fails. But with one brilliant, controversial,... [meer]
Past midnight, something happens to time, that fragile concept we employ to order our sense of reality. It bends, stretches, turns back, or snaps, and sometimes reality snaps with it. And what happens to the wide-eyed observer when the window between reality and unreality shatters, and the glass begins... [meer]
bundel -
The Fourth Hand asks an interesting question: "How can anyone identify a dream of the future?" The answer: "Destiny is not imaginable, except in dreams or to those in love." While reporting a story from India, a New York television journalist has his left hand eaten by a lion; millions of TV viewers... [meer]
audiobook -
The Fourth Hand asks an interesting question: <quote>How can anyone identify a dream of the future?<quote> The answer: <quote>Destiny is not imaginable, except in dreams or to those in love.<quote> While reporting a story from India, a New York television journalist has his left hand eaten by a lion<colon>... [meer]
Uit een regeringslaboratorium dat zo sinister en geheim is dat zelfs de naam ervan niet mag worden gefluisterd, ontsnappen twee wezens. De een is moordzuchtig en de ander beminnelijk, maar beide zijn niet meer de dieren die ze eens waren. Voor de wetenschappers die ze creëerden zijn ze het resultaat... [meer]
Frankenstein - Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as... [meer]
The state police of Troop D in rural Pennsylvania have kept a secret in Shed B out back of the barracks ever since 1979, when Troopers Ennis Rafferty and Curtis Wilcox answered a call from a gas station just down the road and came back with an abandoned Buick Roadmaster. Curt Wilcox knew old cars, and... [meer]
James Bond is marked for death by the Soviet counterintelligence agency SMERSH in Ian Flemingâs masterful spy thriller, and the novel that President John F. Kennedy named one of his favorite books of all time. SMERSH stands for âDeath to Spiesâ and thereâs no secret agent theyâd like to... [meer]
Ian Flemingâs fifth James Bond novel. James Bond is marked for death by the Soviet counterintelligence agency SMERSH in Ian Flemingâs masterful spy thriller, and the novel that President John F. Kennedy named one of his favourite books of all time. SMERSH stands for âDeath to Spiesâ and... [meer]
audiobook -
A new collection of four never-before-published stories from Stephen King. 1922 The story opens with the confession of Wilfred James to the murder of his wife, Arlette, following their move to Hemingford, Nebraska onto land willed to Arlette by her father. Big Driver Mystery writer, Tess, has... [meer]
In this masterful collection of short fiction, Joe Hill dissects timeless human struggles in thirteen relentless tales of supernatural suspense, including âIn The Tall Grass,â one of two stories co-written with Stephen King, basis for the terrifying feature film from Netflix. A little door that... [meer]