The Light Fantastic (1986) |
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Wonderbare licht, Dat (1991) |
Deel 2 in de Schijfwereld-romanserie. Als de schijfwereld met een kwaadaardige rode ster in botsing dreigt te komen, is er maar van één kant redding mogelijk. Helaas komt die toevallig van de buitengewoon onbekwame en laffe tovenaar genaamd Rinzwind, die het laatst werd gezien toen hij van de rand... [meer] | |
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Light Fantastic, The (2002) |
As it moves towards a seemingly inevitable collision with a malevolent red star, the Discworld has only one possible saviour. Unfortunately, this happens to be the singularly inept and cowardly wizard called Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world...... [meer] | |
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Light Fantastic, The (1995) (audiobook) |
The Great A'Tuin, the heroic turtle who supports the weight of the entire Discworld, not to mention four giant elephants, swims through the galaxy day and night with the burden of being the only creature who knows exactly where the universe is going. Philosophers have long debated where this is, and... [meer] |