Insomnia (1994) |
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Insomnia (1994) |
In Derry is niets wat het lijkt... Ralph Roberts heeft een probleem: hij slaapt niet zo goed meer tegenwoordig. Eigenlijk slaapt hij bijna helemaal niet meer. De boeken noemen het 'voortijdig ontwaken'<colon> Ralph noemt het een verblijf in de hel. Elke avond valt hij om half twaalf in slaap, maar elke... [meer] | |
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Insomnia (1994) (audiobook) |
Ralph Roberts has a bad case of insomnia. But lack of sleep is the least of his worries. Each night he stays awake, Ralph witnesses more and more terrifying activity in his neighborhood. But is any of it real? Ralph isn't sure. All he knows is that the bizarre visions he's been having keep getting more... [meer] | |
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Insomnia (1994) |
You'll lose a lot of sleep. Ralph does. At first he finds it hard to drop off. Then he starts waking up earlier. And earlier. But that isn't when he starts seeing things. Colors, shapes, strange auras around his friends. Not to mention the bald doctors who always turn up at the scene of a death.... [meer] |