
Auteur | Peter Benchley |
Eerste Uitgave | 1974 |
Uitgave | 1974 |
Uitgeverij | Bantam |
Vorm | roman |
Taal | Engels |
Bladzijden | 309 bladzijden |
Gelezen | 1993-04-16 |
Score | 7/10 |
A novel of relentless terror. From the opening chapter when a young women, after making love on the beach, plunges into the cleansing surf... and meets the 20-foot shark... the reader is hooked.
- Newsday.
Taut and exciting... Peter Benchley has scored a palpable hit with this first novel... a fine thriller.
- Christian Science Monitor.
A page turner... To read the first few pages of Peter Benchley's book is to be compelled to read them all as quickly as you can turn the pages... a stunning book.
-Book World.
Relentless terror... Jaws proves once again that you don't need demons or exorcism to create blanching, relentless terror.
- Philadelphia Inquirer.