
Wraakgodin, De
Auteur | Agatha Christie |
Eerste Uitgave | 1971 |
Uitgave | 1971 |
Uitgeverij | A.W. Sijthoff |
Vorm | roman |
Taal | Nederlands |
Bladzijden | 190 bladzijden |
Gelezen | 2005-01-14 |
Score | 7/10 |
Wie is de moordenaar van Verity Hunt? De zoon van multimiljonair Rafiel of een van de drie zusters bij wie Miss Marple enkele dagen logeert? Een tweede en een derde moord maken de zaak nog ingewikkelder, maar Miss Marple, de nu tachtigjarige wraakgodin, rust niet voordat ze de dader gevonden heeft...
The final Miss Marple case
It has been years since Miss Marple heard anything from the very rich Jason Rafiel, who had pooled his wits with hers in that murder business some years back (see A Caribbean Mystery). Now that he has died, Miss Marple receives an unexpected letter from Mr. Rafiel's solicitors, asking her to call at their offices. The late Mr. Rafiel wants Miss Marple to solve a crime, but he doesn't give any clues as to when it happened, where, or to whom. Miss Marple takes on the challenge, but faces death more closely than she ever expected.
Nemesis was published in 1971 and finalizes the list of more than twenty Miss Marple books. But the nosy sleuth receives a far more prosperous retirement than her colleague Hercule Poirot, who dies during his final appearance in Curtain.
Nemesis may be slow-paced and a bit tedious at times, but the old charm is still there and a good deal of magic in plotting too. Nevertheless the denouement seems a bit in a clutter and misses the opportunity to amaze the reader. The gimmick of a reoccurring character from a previous book, never really compensates this flaw. But for who indeed has enjoyed the other adventures of Miss Marple, it stays a delight to see that old lady at work.