
Petit Prince, Le
Auteur | Antoine de Saint-Exupéry |
Eerste Uitgave | 2004 |
Uitgave | 2004 |
Uitgeverij | Gallimard |
Vorm | jeugd |
Taal | Frans |
Bladzijden | 96 bladzijden |
Gelezen | 2004-10-31 |
Score | 8/10 |
Avec des aquarelles de l'auteur.
J'ai ainsi vécu seul, sans personne avec qui parler véritablement, jusqu'à unne panne dans le désert du Sahara, il y a six ans. Quelque chose s'était cassé dans mon moteur. Et comme je n'avais avec moi ni mécanicien, ni passagers, je me préparai à essayer de réussir, tout seul, une réparation difficile. C'était pour moi une question de vie ou de mort. J'avais à peine de l'eau à boire pour huit jours.
Le premier soir je me suis donc endormi sur le sable à mille milles de toute terre habitée. J'étais bien plus isolé qu'un naufragé sur un radeau au milieu de l'océan. Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m'a réveillé. Elle disait...
S'il vous plaît... dessine-moi un mouton!
The Little Prince: read it and rejuvenate!
When a pilot makes an emergency landing in the Sahara desert, he is quite surprised at the appearance of mall boy. The magical and smart fellow turns out to be a little prince, who lives on a planet not bigger than a house. He entertains the pilot by asking him hundreds of questions, but slowly the pilot gets to hear the amazing history of the boy himself. He tells the stories about the planet with the three volcanoes and the extremely vain flower. The boy explains about his travels, the many Rulers of the planets that he has visited. Like the King who thinks that he rules everything, but in fact has never left his own tiny planet. Sad is the case of the guy whose job it is to light and extinguish a lantern about 1440 times a day, because the sun around his planet is travelling faster and faster.
The Little Prince was written by Antoine de Sain-Exupery, a French author, journalist and pilot, one year before he died in 1944. Although it is written as a children's book, it contains many riddles and metaphors that will also appeal to adults. It is indeed wonderful how by visualising the imagination of a child the author brings up such a warm and comforting feeling of recognition, without getting too preachy about the so called lessons of life. Above all the story contains many layers where the silliness of the boy only reveals a poignant analysis of common human behavioural. Not without reason has this book been selected as Book of the Century in 1999 in France. Hurry to the bookstore if you have never read this wonderful book and dive into a story that will really help you to rejuvenate.