
Met onbekende bestemming
Auteur | Agatha Christie |
Eerste Uitgave | 1954 |
Uitgave | 1974 |
Uitgeverij | A.W. Sijthoff |
Vorm | roman |
Taal | Nederlands |
Bladzijden | 191 bladzijden |
Gelezen | 2003-12-23 |
Score | 6/10 |
De geleerde Thomas Betterton, die een uitvinding heeft gedaan die heel belangrijk is voor de moderne oorlogsvoering, is plotseling uit Engeland verdwenen. Werd hij ontvoerd of is hij uit vrije wil vertrokken? Als Bettertons vrouw toestemming vraagt het land te verlaten en naar Marokko vertrekt, wordt ze gevolgd. Haar vliegtuig verongelukt, maar ze vervolgt haar tocht tot het eind, dat -ook voor haar- heel anders is dan werd verwacht.
A letdown
The scientist Thomas Betterton, a brilliant young American who developed the ZE Fission technology that can be very important for modern warfare, has disappeared suddenly out of England. Has he been kidnapped or did he depart out of free will to work for the enemy? If Betterton's wife asks for permission to leave the country for a relaxing trip to Morocco, she gets followed by security agent Jessop. It all turns bad when her plane crashes on its way to Cassablanca. Nevertheless she succeeds in continuing her trip, but is not fully aware into which beehive she stumbles.
First of all it must be stated clearly that this is not a detective story, but an atempt at an espionage novel. When Agatha published Destination Unknown in 1954, Ian Flemming had just created his famous James Bond character in the novel Casino Royale. Although Agatha clearly has the intention at making the plot flamboyant and bursting with action, she never succeeds in coming close to the fantastic plots that Flemming created. It is clear that the specialty of the Queen of Crime lies in the typical whodunit with Poirot and Marple as the key-characters and not in novels of espionage. The plot of Destination Unknown is straightforward and, although some admirable attempts were made to surprise the reader, lacks the level of suspense that normally characterizes this type of thriller.
This book certainly does not belong to Agatha Christie's highlights. But then again, it is still remarkable that seen the enormous size of her oeuvre, she only wrote but a few really bad books.