
Wraakroep van Siva, De
Auteur | Cecil Burton |
Eerste Uitgave | 1929 |
Uitgave | 1983 |
Uitgeverij | Balans |
Vorm | roman |
Taal | Nederlands |
Bladzijden | 185 bladzijden |
Gelezen | 2003-10-10 |
Score | 5/10 |
Op vijf Britse officieren, die allemaal in India hebben gediend, wordt - kort na elkaar - een aanslag gepleegd. Uit de getuigenverklaringen blijkt dat steeds vlak voor de aanslag een doordringende kreet is gehoord. Niet alleen de mannen van Scotland Yard verdiepen zich in de raadelachtige zaak, maar ook twee journalisten: Tom Wilcox en de beeldschone Sylvia Witch.
Bad fiction!
Five British officers, who have all of them served in India, are in a short period of time all attacked. They were strangled, run over by a car or poisoned. Witnesses confirm that a eerie battle cry was heard a few seconds before each assault. Not only inspector O'Neill from Scotland Yard is occupied with the investigations in this strange case, but also two reporters: Tom Wilcox and the beautiful Sylvia Witch. They both get help from old major McDuff.
At the start this story has everything a good detective novel needs: a lot of murders, a bunch of possible culprits, some action and a great deal of mystery. But that a good beginning can be completely ruined by a bad ending is certainly proven by this book of Else Faber, written under the pseudonym Cecil Burton. The plot turns out to be so complex that no sane person can possibly understand what actually went on, let alone understand why the murderer did it. Actually, who was the killer? I can't remember. But who cares.
This book is not worth the effort of reading it!