
Na de begrafenis
Auteur | Agatha Christie |
Eerste Uitgave | 1953 |
Uitgave | 1974 |
Uitgeverij | Sijthoff |
Vorm | roman |
Taal | Nederlands |
Bladzijden | 188 bladzijden |
Gelezen | 2003-08-24 |
Score | 8/10 |
Toen de rijke Richard Abernethie stierf, was er eigenlijk geen reden om aan te nemen dat zijn dood niet natuurlijk was. Maar toen alle familieleden op de dag van de begrafenis bijeen waren, zei die gekke tante Cora ineens: 'Maar hij is toch immers vermoord, is 't niet?' Voo de notaris van de familie is dat reden genoeg de erfgenamen van Richard eens wat beter te bekijken. En zijn vriend Poirot helpt hem daarbij.
A Classic Agatha Christie Mystery
Richard Abernrthie, master of Enderby Hall, died very suddenly and completely unexpected. He was never quite the same after his only son and heir, Mortimer, died unexpectedly of polio. The remaining members of the Abernethie family gather after the funeral for the reading of the will. However, at the reading, Cora Abernethie Lansquenet, the late Richard's youngest sister, who's always been something of an embarrassment to the family, brightly blurts out, "It's been hushed up very nicely, hasn't it. But he was murdered, wasn't he?" When Cora is found dead the next day, Hercule Poirot has the task of finding the killer.
After the Funeral was written in 1953 and is an homage to Abney Hall (Enderby Hall in the book), the Victorian mansion where the young Agatha Christie spent a lot of her Christmas Holidays. The setting is typically Christie: a Victorian mansion, colorful characters, a butler, a murder and of course Hercule Poirot. The narrative keeps the reader hooked and slowly builds up to the climax. The conclusion is -like always- surprising, but also rather fair. With an eye for the little details you should be able to find the killer. You might have a problem with finding the motive, but that is a small price to pay. A real Agatha Christie classic.